Friday, September 21, 2007

Please share more about this company and prevent further meaningless insult from the stupid elephant

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marc brauner said...

my name is marc brauner, and i hired silvio berge in 2005 for my company's 30th anniversary, which was taking place in mumbai - india.
i bought a plane ticket for him, his colleague, and a few dancers and acrobats. my trip from HK to mumbai was scheduled one day before sylvio's. i saw him the day i was leaving, we chatted about a few last details, then greeted him saying "see you tomorrow evening in mumbai". my partners (one from belgium, the other from new york) arrived in mumbai the same day as i did. the next day, i searched for silvio (he was supposed to have arrived and checked-in the same hotel (we booked a room for him of course), but no sylvio to be found...i started calling his mobile; ring ring answer. his assoociate said "...i don t know where he is...surely, he will arrive soon". but hours later no sylvio, and still no answer on his portable number. when calling his office, his secretary said "i don t know...."
unbelieveable! then, the 400 guests arrived, the event was quite succesfull, especially considering we had hired the very famous indian actor amithab bachhan who delivered a wonderful speech. if i had known that sylvio was about to stand me up, i would have hired another event organizer (i had imposed sylvio to my two assoociates, who trusted me on this choice, and now i looked like a fool...).
back to HK, still no news from sylvio - suddenly my phone rings "hello marc, i heard the event was a great success!"; this liar acted as if nothing wrong had happened! i told him that we will have to meet in order to discuss the balance of the payment, because i did not agree to pay the quoted price which included him on-site. he eventually came to my office one month later, sat down, and said "okay, what do you want? was my colleague not good enough for you? are you racist - you do not like chinese people?" i realized the man is completely crazy, and reminded him that my wife and thus my family are chinese, anmd so are my staff. i told him that it was outragous to not show up and dissapear like that, when we all knew he was expected to arrive in mumbai and conduct the show. "not picking up your phone indicates you are a coward! like a child, you went into hiding" i told him.
he stood up, left, and sent me the chinese maffia to collect the outstanding money. i have a recording of one of my conversations with these maffia people he sent me, and would like to share it on this blog.
sylvio's associate eventually came to me and arranged a 35% discount on the total, and that was the end. bottomline; sylvio berge is a liar, coward, jew-hater, pathetic piece of SH*T. not trust worthy for a second. very talented he is, but that does not forgive who he really is; a frustrated social case. my name is marc brauner and am co-ceo of IGI worldwide.
if anyone can tell me how to post a less-than-2MB mpeg recording, i ll be more than happy to share it.
b rgrds

marc brauner said...

just google-translated this:
我的名字是Marc Brauner先生,我僱了西爾維奧·貝爾格在2005年,我公司成立30週年之際,這是發生在孟買 - 印度。
我為他買了飛機票,他的同事和一些舞者和雜技演員。我從香港到孟買旅行計劃sylvio的前一天。我看見他的日子,我要離開了,我們聊起了一些最後的細節,然後跟他打招呼說:“看你明天晚上在孟買”。抵達孟買的同一天,我做我的合作夥伴(一個來自比利時,從紐約)。第二天,我搜索了貝盧斯科尼(他應該已經到了簽在同一家酒店(我們訂了一個房間,他當然),但沒有被發現的sylvio ...我開始撥打他的手機,環環環......沒有答案。他的同事說:“我不知道他在哪裡......毫無疑問,他將很快抵達”。但幾小時後,沒有sylvio,並且仍然沒有回答他的便攜式數字時,叫他的辦公室,他的秘書說:“我不知道......”
令人難以置信!然後,400位客人到達時,事件是相當成功的,尤其是考慮到我們已經聘請了印度非常有名的的的演員amithab bachhan發表了精彩的演講。如果我早知道sylvio站在我,我就聘請了另一位活動組織者(我已實行sylvio我的兩間聯營公司,這個選擇信任我,現在我看起來像一個傻瓜......)。
回港,還沒有消息從sylvio - 突然我的手機響了“你好馬克,我聽到這個事件是一個巨大的成功!”這個騙子的行為,如果沒有錯誤發生了!我告訴他,我們將進行會面,以便討論的支付平衡,因為我不同意支付的報價,其中包括他的現場。一個月後,他最終來到我的辦公室,坐了下來,說:“好吧,你想要什麼?不夠好,你是我的同事,你是種族主義者 - 你不喜歡中國人嗎?”我認識的人完全是瘋了,並提醒他的妻子和我的家人,我是中國人,所以我的工作人員。我告訴他,這是離譜,不會出現和消失一樣,當大家都知道,他預計抵達孟買,並進行展示。 “不拿起您的電話指示,你是個膽小鬼!像一個孩子,你躲了起來,”我告訴他。
sylvio聯營公司的最終來找我的總安排了35%的折扣,這是結束。底線; sylvio伯奇是個騙子,懦夫,猶太人憎恨妒忌的人,可憐的一塊SH * T。不值得信任的第二個。他是非常有才華,但不原諒他真的是一個失意的社會情況。我的名字是Marc Brauner先生和AM IGI全球聯席首席執行官。
如果任何人都可以告訴我如何發布一個小於2MB MPEG,記錄,我會很樂意分享。
